The present study was conducted in the present times in which we are facing problems due to COVID-19 pandemic. The authorities are restricted to impart education through online mode in our country as well as in other countries. The students who are pursuing pre-service teacher education programme are the future teachers for the society and nation; therefore it is very important to study the perception of these students about online teaching. The present study was conducted on a sample of 50 Prospective teachers enrolled in Colleges of Education of Chandigarh. The descriptive research methodology was used in the present study and data was collected through online mode by using a self-developed questionnaire by the researcher. It is concluded that perceptions of Prospective teachers towards online teaching are positive except the students coming from rural areas. Also, there exists a significant difference in the perceptions of Prospective teachers from urban and rural backgrounds but no significant difference was found in the perceptions of Prospective teachers from arts and science streams towards online teaching.
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