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Paper Title

Organized and Ritual Violence in Germany Contexts of experiences of violence, psychological consequences and care situation


Peer Briken
Peer Briken
Hertha Richter-Appelt
Hertha Richter-Appelt
Johanna Schröder
Johanna Schröder
Susanne B Nicholas
Susanne B Nicholas


  • Organized Violence
  • Ritual Violence
  • Complex Posttraumatic Disorder
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • Trauma Therapy
  • Sexualized Violence
  • Psychological Stress
  • Victim Care

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 12th | Issue : 3 Nick, Susanne ; Schröder, Johanna ; Briken, Peer ; Richter-Appelt, Hertha | Page No : 244-261

Published On

August, 2018



Organized and Ritual Violence in Germany – Contexts, psychic effects, care situation Experts on, and victims of, organized and/or ritual violence have repeatedly bewailed the inadequacy of the care situation for people undergoing such experiences. Frequent psychic effects are complex posttraumatic and dissociative disorders, above all dissociative identity disorder. There is a general consensus that the latter condition is particularly difficult to get to grips with therapeutically. Despite numerous studies on sexualized violence, trauma sequels, and trauma therapy, we have very little in the way of empirical data on the incidence, the psychic effects, and the treatment of organized and ritual violence. The aim of this study is to undertake a scientific survey of the experiences victims have been through with a view to (a) achieving a better understanding of characteristic forms of violence and their effects and (b) improving care. Information on 165 self-defined victims of organized/ritual violence was collected via a detailed online questionnaire. The results of the survey indicate severe exposure to sexualized violence, psychic stress, and frequent recourse to therapy. Overall, the care situation is described as problematic, and there is evidence of ongoing experiences of violence at the hands of organized perpetrator groups. The findings from the online survey are discussed with reference to theories on psychotrauma, trauma-therapeutic approaches to treatment, and ethical implications.

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