Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart
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In the context of psychological traumatization, connections are torn apart. This affects connections in the experiences of the affected person; fragments of memories haunt the soul of the victim, are not located in space and time and force themselves to appear at all times and in all places. It also affects the victim's life context: their professional activity is often at risk or is lost, the same applies to partnerships, relationships with other people are no longer what they used to be, and victims of violence often feel like they have fallen out of the totality of their previous relationships with themselves, with other people and with the "world", as if they no longer belong. A similar interruption of connections can also be seen in the way we deal with victims. On the one hand, this affects their care: which therapeutic discipline is responsible, which provider of the costs, which aid organization? On the other hand, it also affects the scientific discourse. A victim of violence becomes a patient or client and becomes the "object" of the medical profession. The thing that led to their distress, the violence, is no longer the subject of scientific reflection in this context. This journal does not participate in such a dissociation, such a tearing apart of event and sequence of events. This apparent alternative of inside and outside, of subjective and objective, fails to recognize that this alternative is a dualism that has been brought into the world and that collapses upon closer, careful observation and description. This journal thus carries its program in its title: Violence causes wounds, which in turn can be the cause of violence. Against this background, we understand psychotraumatology as a clinical field of application of the overarching theme of violence and the willingness to use violence and its consequences and conditions, whereby "violence" can be found in nature (as a "force of nature") as well as in the social and psychological sphere. However, "violence" understood in this way can only be conceptualized in a reasonably appropriate way and made accessible for research purposes as an interdisciplinary subject area. In this journal we bring together contributions on psychotraumatology and violence research. These can be empirical works, but they can also be theoretical works in which an attempt is made to organize this complex field intellectually. Theory grows out of practice. This is why this journal also publishes "contributions from practice" that can be more or less theoretically based. We are convinced that everyone who works in this field has invaluable experience that will benefit their patients, but will also be of interest to colleagues, for the benefit of other affected people. And finally, the fields of psychotraumatology and violence research represent a "scene" with professional societies, conferences, networks and other diverse networks of relationships. The journal will also provide information about this, in a section that we have called "Forum".
Organized and Ritual Violence in Germany – Contexts, psychic effects, care situation Experts on, and victims of, organized and/or ritual violence have repeatedly bewailed the inadequacy o...
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