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Paper Title

On Radio Mean D-Distance Number Of Graph Obtained From Graph Operation

Article Type

Analysis Study Research Article


Volume : 58 | Issue : 2 | Page No : 98-106

Published On

June, 2018



β„• such that for two distinct vertices u and v of G, dD(u, v) + 𝑓 𝑒 +𝑓(𝑣) 2 β‰₯ 1 + diamD(G), where dD(u, v) denotes the D-distance between u and v and diamD(G) denotes the D-diameter of G. The radio mean Ddistance number of f, rmn D(f) is the maximum label assigned to any vertex of G. The radio mean D-distance number of G, rmn D(G) is the minimum value of rmn D(f) taken over all radio mean D-distance labeling f of G. In this paper we find the radio mean D-distance number of graph obtained from graph operation.

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