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On Fixed Points of Digraphs Over Lambert Type Map

Published On: December, 2021

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: VFAST Transactions on Mathematics

DOI: 10.21015/vtm.v9i1.1023

Issue: 1 | Volume: 9 | Page No: 59-65


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Define f(y)=y2hy where h belongs to (Z/mZ), the Discrete Lambert Type Map (DLTM). For a set of vertices and edges over DLTM, diagraphs are obtained in which the vertices are from a whole range of residues modulo a fixed integer s, and edges are obtained when f (y) ≡ v(modsK) is solvable in Y and in terms of Diophantine equation as well. In this paper we proposed new results for for fixed point of digraphs over DLTM.


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