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Increase in Macro-nutrients of Soil by the Application of Blue Green Algae in Rice Production

Published On: December, 2001

Article Type: Research Article

DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2002.19.24

Issue: 1 | Volume: 5 | Page No: 19--24


Four treatments were considered viz., No-control, UN-chemical fertilizer applied 24 hours before a transplantation, AN- algal mixture applied seven days after transplantation and UN+AN- fertilizer and algal inoculum used together. Highest amount of available nitrogen contents of soil in third crop was obtained suggesting positive residual effect of algalization. As expected the amount of organic matter of the soil was found to be less in third crop than the second crop. The magnitude of difference between a set of treatments due to algal inoculation was highest in the third season suggesting that the benefit occurred over the year.