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Impact Study Of An Amended Mixture Of Municipal Solid Waste And Sand On The Germination And Growth Of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Published On: December, 2021

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Indian Journal of Environmental Protection

Issue: 12 | Volume: 41 | Page No: 1372-1379


The present study deals with germination and seedling growth of seed in various proportions by mixing of municipal solid waste (MSW) of two dumpsites Kundrapara and Potiya, in the sand, as replacement of fertilizer. Five combinations were established based on the addition of increasing quantities of sand to the MSW ratio 100:0 (K1, P1), 75:25 (K2, P2), 50:50 (K3, P3), 25:75 (K4, P4) and 0:100 (K5, P5). A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effect of MSW on the germination and growth of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seed, in which K 1, P1 treatment was control treatment. Physical properties, presence of micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn) and macro-nutrients (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) and FTIR analysis of MSW of both dumpsites were determined and compared. Percentage of germination, vigor index, shoot length, roots length, stem diameter, number of leaves and wet biomass were measured as germination parameters. Biochemical parameters, antioxidant activity, carbohydrate, protein and lipid content per plant were determined and subjected to statistical analysis, ANOVA for < 0.05 at a 9 5 % confidence level. The best results were obtained in which bean [Phaseolus vulgaris) seeds were grown in a mixture of sand and MSW. The treatment 50:50 (P3) municipal solid waste of P2 (MSW2) and 0:100 (K5) of municipal solid waste Kl (MSW1) treatments had the best result than the control treatment. Simultaneously, the FTIR spectra of MSW1 and MSW2 confirmed the presence of humic acid as a plant nutrient. Thus MSW may have the potential to enhance the quality of the sand and to increase the fertility of mixture. MSW may be recognized as a substitute for fertilizer to increase nutrient content and enhance crop production.
