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FTIR Analysis of Enzymatically Biopolished Eco-friendly Jute-Cotton Union Fabrics

Published On: January, 1970

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Environ Sci Arch

DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.12606235

Issue: 2 | Volume: 3 | Page No: 20-29


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Enzymatic treatment on jute-cotton union fabric is ecofriendly way of biopolishing. This study explores the eco-friendly bio-polishing of jute-cotton union fabrics using free enzymes under various treatment conditions. The study analyzed the physical properties of the treated fabric, revealing minimal degradation and increased fiber accessibility. The treatment was measured using Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), providing insights into the chemical bonds and functional groups on the fabric molecule. The treated fabric performance was studied at 3, 6 and 12 h at room temperature. Fabric of a jute-cotton union fabric is improved by all of the treatments, as reflected through FTIR readings. The results showed that the treated fabric was of good quality, as protruding fibers were removed during the bio-polishing process.

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