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Paper Title

Fate-mapping lymphocyte clones and their progenies from induced antigen-signals identifies temporospatial behaviours of T cells mediating tolerance


Pietro Liò
Pietro Liò
Zohreh Hosseini Nodeh
Zohreh Hosseini Nodeh
James E. D. Thaventhiran
James E. D. Thaventhiran

Article Type

Research Article



Research Impact Tools


| Page No : 1-23

Published On

December, 2024



Tissue homeostasis is maintained by the behaviours of lymphocyte clones responding to antigenic triggers in the face of pathogen, environmental, and developmental challenges. Current methodologies for tracking the behaviour of specific lymphocytes identify clones of a defined antigen-receptor—antigen binding affinity. However, lymphocytes can receive antigenic signals from undefined or endogenous antigens, and the strength of each signal, even for the same lymphocyte, varies with accessory signalling, across tissues and across time. We present a novel fate-mapping mouse, that, by tracking lymphocyte clones and their progenies from induced antigen signals, overcomes these hurdles and provides novel insights into the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. We demonstrate the systems use by investigating the maintenance of localised T cell tolerance in tumour immunity. In a murine tumour model, our system reveals how Tregs differentiate to a reversible, tolerance inducing state within the tumour, and recirculate, while CD8+ T cells failing to recirculate, differentiate to an increasingly exhausted, tolerant state in the tumour. These contrasting T cell behaviours provide means by which immunity can tolerate a particular anatomical niche while maintaining systemic clonal protection. Our system can thus explore lymphocyte behaviours that cannot be tracked by previous methods and will therefore provide novel insights into the fundamental mechanisms underlying immunity’s role in tissue homeostasis.

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