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Epistemological Analyses in the Theory of Deconstruction

Published On: May, 2019

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education

Issue: 06 | Volume: 16 | Page No: 793-798


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In this paper, there are many issues like the origin of discourse, formation of knowledge and the theological dialectics are explored. Primarily, a study is undertaken to discover the origin of any ideology or any contruction evaluated objectively. Then under the critical study of discourse, the emergence of deconstructive theory is analysed. The various strategies of this theory create a sort of semantic resonance within the literary texts in order to challenge the western logic that dominates the fields of humanities and other social sciences. With this, the system of language vis a vis the structurality of meanings are found very vulnerable before the poststructuralist notion of reality. Besides, the notion of the sign-signifier relationship in terms of material and unseen world, that has the obvious theological background. Derrida presents the revolutionary outlook to inspire a change amongst the contemporary minds for the intellectual maturity. This method of interrogating the source of knowledge under this theory across the field humanities and social science is a revolutionary phenomenon. This paves the path for the future intellectuals to observe, understand and discover the new ways of thinking in the various fields of knowledge and numerous walks of life.


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