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Enzymatic Effect of Bio-Polishing of Different Types of Jute-Cotton Union Fabrics

Published On: January, 2024

Article Type: Research Article


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The performance of the bio-polishing of jute-cotton union fabrics was evaluated by assessing their weight loss, thermo-stability and microscopic observation using the xylanase enzyme. At 65°C and pH 7, xylanase showed its greatest activity. Jute cotton union textiles lost more weight at 100% applied enzyme dose and less weight at lesser enzyme concentrations over time. In optical microscopic images of the surface of jute cotton union fabrics scoured with enzyme, debris of impurities and particles on the fibre surface were observed with partial removal of gummy substances from the fibre surface. The weight loss was higher in 100% applied enzyme dose which gradually decreased with lower applied enzyme dose. In the thermo-stability test, four different fabrics showed very different thermal conductivity values out of which, sample-2 showed a higher thermal conductivity than the others. The created procedure could be applied in industry as a green bio-scouring method.

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