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Paper Title


Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | Page No : 1262-1274

Published On

February, 2018



The investigator has tried to explore the educational philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda. The findings of the study are: The concept of education in the present context from 2018-2028 must be introduction of a national system of education on the basis of Indian educational and cultural heritage and national ideals. Real education has to draw out the best from the boys and girls to be educated and correspond to the surrounding circumstances. The aims of education in the present context from 2018-2028 should be physical development, mental development, development of character, observation of brahmacharya for concentration, vocational aim, development of personality, faith in one’s own self, developing shradha, developing a spirit of renunciation, to promote universal brotherhood, selfrealization can take place through self-control, character and abstinence, bread and butter aim, the cultural aim, the harmonious development of all powers, the moral or character development aim, and sociological aim. The methods of education in the present context from 2018-2028 should be meditation, concentration method, brahmacharya, yoga, discussion, contemplation method, imitation method, individual guidance, counselling, lecture method, activity method, learning through craft, learning by doing, principle of cooperative activity, planning, accuracy, initiative, and individual responsibility in learning and child-centered education. The subjects of Vedanta, religion, philosophy and theology are missing in school curriculum which needs to be revised from 2018-2028 in the present education system. The subjects like agriculture or spinning and weaving or cardboard, wood and metal work, mother tongue are not of much interest for young students in the country from 2018-2028. Thus, these subjects should be included in the curriculum in the present education system in the country along with other subjects like social studies (social environment, economic environment, governmental environment and physical environment), general science (nature-study, zoology, physiology, hygiene, physical culture, chemistry, and knowledge of stars), drawing and music. The roles of the teachers in the present context of education from 2018-2028 should be to awaken knowledge exists in the minds of the children, to encourage them, to inculcate self-confidence in them to excel in life, to contribute to the society in large. The teacher must have genius and illustrative talent. The teachers must be in the habit of thinking out from day-to-day what they have to teach. They must keep comprehensive records of their day to day educational procedures so as to utilize these in correlated teaching. Time table must be restructured according to the convenience of teachers to plan and teach as per the interests of the child in the present context of education from 2018-2028. The teacher should have the freedom to follow his own plan of dealing with the different items of the curriculum. All the teachers in a school must meet together to discuss the planning of work on the correlational technique. The exchange of ideas will not only facilitate planning but will also sustain interest in correlated teaching. Primary education must include the elementary principals of sanitation, hygiene, nutrition, doing their own work, helping parents at home etc. Physical exercise, domestic science for girls, social and civic training to children should be included in the subjects of teaching by teachers. Activity curriculum which should transform the schools into places of work, experimentation and discovery must be taken into consideration in the present system of education from 2018-2028.

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