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Paper Title

Delta-modular ILP Problems of Bounded Co-dimension, Discrepancy, and Convolution


Panos M. Pardalos
Panos M. Pardalos
Dmitry V. Gribanov
Dmitry V. Gribanov
Dmitry S. Malyshev
Dmitry S. Malyshev

Article Type

Research Article


Research Impact Tools

Published On

July, 2024



For k,n≥0, and c∈Zn, we consider ILP problems max{c⊤x:Ax=b,x∈Zn≥0} with A∈Zk×n, rank(A)=k, b∈Zk andmax{c⊤x:Ax≤b,x∈Zn} with A∈Z(n+k)×n, rank(A)=n, b∈Zn+k. The first problem is called an \emph{ILP problem in the standard form of the codimension k}, and the second problem is called an \emph{ILP problem in the canonical form with n+k constraints.} We show that, for any sufficiently large Δ, both problems can be solved with 2O(k)⋅(fk,d⋅Δ)2/2Ω(log(fk,d⋅Δ)√) operations, where fk,d=min{kk/2,(logk⋅log(d+k))k/2}, d is the dimension of a corresponding polyhedron and Δ is the maximum absolute value of rank(A)×rank(A) sub-determinants of A. As our second main result, we show that the feasibility variants of both problems can be solved with 2O(k)⋅fk,d⋅Δ⋅log3(fk,d⋅Δ) operations. The constant fk,d can be replaced by other constant gk,Δ=(logk⋅log(kΔ))k/2 that depends only on k and Δ. Additionally, we consider different partial cases with k=0 and k=1, which have interesting applications. As a result of independent interest, we propose an n2/2Ω(logn√)-time algorithm for the tropical convolution problem on sequences, indexed by elements of a finite Abelian group of the order n. Additionally, we give a complete, self-contained error analysis of the generalized Discrete Fourier Transform for Abelian groups with respect to the Word-RAM computational model.

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