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Paper Title

Cavitation reactors: Efficiency assessment using a model reaction

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 47 | Issue : 11 | Page No : 2526-2538

Published On

November, 2001



Acoustic and hydrodynamic cavitation can be used for a variety of applications ranging from biological applications such as cell disruption to chemical reactions such as oxidation of organic pollutants in aqueous effluents, including biorefractory toxic chemicals. Different equipment used for cavitational effects was compared based on a model reaction (decomposition of potassium iodide resulting into iodine liberation). A correlation was developed for the prediction of the cavitational yield in terms of the cavity collapse pressure. This correlation, when used with earlier correlations for the pressure amplitude generated during the violent collapse of cavities, will help design engineers to choose particular equipment, operating conditions, and geometric parameters to achieve a desired chemical change. The developed equation relating the macroscopic reaction rates with the collapse pressure is the first of its kind reported in the literature. Pilot-plant-scale hydrodynamic cavitation orifice plate setup is most energy-efficient, with significantly higher cavitational yields for the model reaction.

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