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Cancer genetics and treatment rift: Perspectives for coping challenges in low and middle-income countries


Priyanka Khopkar
Priyanka Khopkar

Published On: June, 2024

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Current Problems in Cancer

DOI: 10.1016/j.currproblcancer.2024.101094

Volume: 50 | Page No: 1


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Molecular medicine has revamped the medicinal practice in modern times. Incorporation of genetic indicators into treatment plans has become a game-changing paradigm in the cancer fight. Precision medicine has made significant strides in treating cancer, a disease that affects many people. Genomic indicators are essential for individualized treatment planning. However, there are obstacles to the widespread clinical practice of genetic testing, particularly concerning cost, in nations with low and middle-income countries (LMIC), especially with different economies.


Priyanka Khopkar
Priyanka Khopkar

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