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Paper Title

Blockchain based Secured Framework for Road Traffic Management using Fog Computing

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 13 | Issue : 2 | Page No : 331-337

Published On

December, 2021



Nowadays, technology proceeds at rapid rate and the number of smart gadgets continues to grow substantially. As a result, there is a need for ubiquitous platforms to support an interconnected, heterogeneous, and distributed network of devices. This network of objects is commonly called the Internet of Things. This research paper combines the Blockchain and IoT with other related technologies for secured road traffic management. It includes blockchain, cloud computing, wireless sensor networks and fog computing. The research paper mainly focuses on the role of blockchain and fog computing in IoT-based secured framework for road traffic management. The Internet of Things concept is normally associated with cloud computing. The research paper proposes blockchain based Secured Framework for road Traffic Management using Fog Computing and Internet of Things with a novel layer called Fog layer into the architectural framework for traffic environment. Here the fog computing plays an intermediary responsibility between the IoT layer and the cloud layer. The use of fog based model is to reduce latency and the total cost for the implementation of the system.

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