Inclusive education refers to the placement and education of children with disabilities (divyang children) in regular education classrooms with children of the same age who do not have disabilities. The underlying premise of inclusion is that all children can learn and belong to the mainstream of school and community life. The investigator tried to explore awareness level of parents of divyang children & parents of typically developing children towards inclusive education in government elementary schools. The findings of the study are:there exists significant difference in the awareness of parents of divyang and parents of typically developing children towards inclusive education in government elementary schools. Parents of divyang children are more aware of inclusive education than parents of typical children. Parents of divayng children are more aware of the inclusive education of their children in government elementary schools than parents of typically developing children. Government should take measures to improve the education of divyang children by providing them instructional materials and aids and equipments in the school. Administrator should visit schools regularly and should provide financial support for the education of special needs children. Lack of parental support is one of the main causes of failure of divyang children in government schools. Thus, both parents of divyang children and typically developing children should be oriented towards the education of divyang children in inclusive setting and benefits of inclusive education for both typically developed children and divyang children. They should encourage, help and involve in the education their children.Teachers play an important role for the upbringing of children especially divyang children. They should provide healthy environment, should take personal care of divyang children, and should teach them according to their needs in the school to boost the academic success of special needs children. Government should plan adequate strategies to promote the benefits of inclusive education in government schools.
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