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Paper Title

An Extensive Survey on Consensus Mechanisms for Blockchain Technology


Hiren B. Patel
Hiren B. Patel
Jalpa Khamar
Jalpa Khamar

Article Type

Book review

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 52 | Page No : 363-374

Published On

February, 2021



Blockchain technology is a cryptographic technique that enables users to maintain their data in a decentral way with a non-editable form without an arbitrator. Originally motivated from the underlying platform of bitcoin cryptocurrency, researchers found blockchain to be very useful in many application domains, including smart contracts, insurance, banking, finance, and many other sectors. As multiple stakeholders try to add a block (containing the data or transactions) into the chain, there is a need for a mechanism to come to an agreement on which stakeholder’s block should be added. Such a mechanism is known as consensus mechanism which is a primary factor of significance because it decides the correctness of data to be added as well as trustworthiness of the node which is attempting to add the block. An efficient consensus mechanism achieves security, higher precision, and better performance. In this research, we aim to study various consensus mechanisms in blockchain technology with their strengths and challenges. We discuss factors affecting the consensus mechanism and provide our suggestions for drafting an effective consensus mechanism. © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

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