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Advancing the Cryptographic Hash-Based Message Authentication Code


Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar
Gaurav Mishra
Gaurav Mishra

Published On: July, 2011

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Engineering & Technology

Issue: 3 | Volume: 3 | Page No: 269-273


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In today’s word the authentication is very much required for the purpose of the transfer of the information from one place to another. Now a day’s the use of E-mail become very popular because of their fast and easy to use in nature. This new technology has led to the problem of Authentication of the Message. To perform this activity we use the technique called MAC (Message Authentication Code). The message authentication code is the digest that is send along with the message to authenticate the origin of the message from where it is generated. The MAC (Message Authentication Code) is generated by the process of creating the message digest and also adding the encryption to it. However this is not very secure. In this paper we will encrypt the message digest and then again use the previously available cryptographic algorithm and again encrypt the Message. We this the idea of confusion and diffusion make are message more secure.


Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar
Gaurav Mishra
Gaurav Mishra

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