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A Study on Burnout, Depression, Anxiety & Stress Among Males & Females Frontline Workers


Saumya Richa
Saumya Richa

Published On: December, 2021

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: The International Journal of Indian Psychology

DOI: 10.25215/0904.005

Issue: 4 | Volume: 9 | Page No: 35-41


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Covid-19 pandemic has placed frontline workers under immense pressure, putting their physical & mental well-being at risk. Exposure to prolonged periods of stress has led to burnout, depression, reduced productivity at work & indulgence in unhealthy behaviors. The current study aims to study Burnout, Depression, Stress, Anxiety & Health in frontline workers. Standardized scales were used to measure the variables. A total of 60 frontline workers (30 Males & 30 Females) were taken. The results found out that Female frontline workers are higher on Depression, Stress & Anxiety as compared to Male frontline workers. Frontline workers can take actions to cope with stress by reaching out to friends & family virtually for support, maintaining healthy diet & seeking help from professional if the distress persists. Workplace flexibility among workers would improve worker well-being.


Saumya Richa
Saumya Richa

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