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A Research of Various Natural Fibers from Eco-Friendly Plant Sources

Published On: January, 1970

Article Type: Research Article

Issue: V | Volume: XI | Page No: 1075–1083


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Fiber cells in plants are diverse and economically exploited, with rural populations relying on wild materials. This poses a threat to biodiversity and resource sustainability. New technologies, including plant cell cultures and genetic engineering, are being developed to improve fiber creation and use from agricultural waste, bagasse, fruit processing, and industrial waste. Plant fibers are also used in food, biodegradable films, biopolymers, biofuels, and pharmaceuticals. Since reducing environmental pollution is so important, many researchers and engineers are focusing on developing workable alternatives, such replacing natural raw materials with polymer- based ones. In order to avoid utilizing synthetic fibers derived from petroleum, researchers often make great efforts to discover new sources of natural fibers. The present review discussed on a few natural plant fibers including cotton, long leaf fibers like sisal, and bast fibers like jute, flax, and ramie, etc which are environment- friendly.

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