Looking for a venue where my academics, clinica l skills and experience can be utilized to maximum. An opportunity to apply the acquired skills in patient care, management, gain and impart knowledge and add to my learning.
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Assistant Professor
Lokmanya medical College of Physiotherapy,Kharghar
Nov-2017 to PresentAssistant Professor
NETT College of Physiotherapy,Thane
Aug-2015 to Oct-2017Assistant Professor & Consultant Physiotherapist
Jun-2011 to Jan-2012Assistant Professor & Consultant Physiotherapist
SAHARA accident and orthopaedic super speciality hospital
Aug-2010 to Feb-2011Assistant Professor & Consultant Physiotherapist
Multiple Sclerosis Society of India(MSSI) Mumbai Chapter,sion
Nov-2011 to Dec-2012Education
Comparison of post -natal depression among women of upper, middle and lower socioeconomic status
Journal: International journal of physiotherapy and research
Incidence of musculoskeletal disorders in train commuters
Journal: International journal of physiotherapy and research
Prevalence of De -Quervains tenosynovitis in pianists
Journal: International Journal of Current Advanced Research(IJCAR)
correlation of ankle fl exibility to balance and functional mobility in community dwelling elderly
Journal: International journal of recent scientific research
Correlation of functional capacity with low back pain in the individual between the age group of 25 ...
Journal: International journal of recent scientific research
Compari son of effectiveness of bend leg raise technique of mulligan v/s knee to chest technique of ...
Journal: International journal of recent scientific research
Prevalence of ankle instability in gymnastic players of age below 16 year old female
Journal: International journal of recent scientific research
MCIT:An adjunct to conventional physiotherapy in patients with chronic hemiparesis
Journal: International journal of recent scientific research
Role in Research Journals
Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy : An Adjunct to Conventional Physiotherapy in Patients ...
Jan-1970 to Jan-1970Risk stratification for systemic diseases among obese women.
Jan-1970 to Jan-1970Prevalence and Early interventio n study of CTD in computer operators
Jan-1970 to Jan-1970Conference/Seminar/STTP/FDP/Symposium/Workshop
Annual National Conference & workshop Physical Therapy
AIIMS Rajkot (All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rajkot) ,
Intern ational Conference 7th conference of Indian Association of Neuro Restorology(IANR) 1st Annual Conference of Spastic Society Council of India(SSCI) 11th Annual Conference of Global College of Neuro Nanotechnol ogy(GCNN) 2nd Annual conference of International Federation of Neuro Restorology(IFNR)
International conference on Automation and Employability -A Futuristic Perspective
Invited Position
Honours & Awards
Significant contribution award
Awarded by:world physiotherapy congress (3rd international physiotherapy conference 2019
Year: 2019