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Ripal Ranpara

Ripal Ranpara


Assistant Professor at Shree M & N. Virani Science College, (Autonomous) Atmiya Group of Institutions Rajkot.

  • Teaching/Sharing
  • Re-engineering the things
  • Implement new technology

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Editorial Contribution








My nature is I always want to know more, I like to re -engineer the things - and for that reason, research is about the best possible option what I think. I am also curious to explore my own limits and skills and to get off the beaten path and "I always believe to work with Excellence" by giving hundred percent to complete the desired goal with satisfaction. I believe, today society needs performer who can work in specified duration with satisfaction . So to be a performer is a lways my desire and hobby too. Also, I like to work in a team environment where I can learn interdisciplinary concept just like "Connecting the Dots" that's what I believe as the computer science field itself is interdisciplinary field. I also like to work under the guidance of mentor where I can present my thoughts and have a chance to verify and then put into application. I have been developing my transferable skills much more than I expected to do. Ultimately Science, and in my case practical research f or web, is fun. There's always an unexpected challenge which requires an original and preferable quick bug fix to reach original expected output as my mentor states it --always re -learn the things.

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Assistant Professor

Shree M & N. Virani Science College, (Autonomous) Atmiya Group of Institutions Rajkot.

Jan-1970 to Present
Subjects : MongoDB | C#.Net | Cloud Computing | Python | Django Web Development | Php Major project guided : Sixth sense | Solar car | Text to speech |Cryptography | Remainder application | E-Commerce Multi vendor |Speech Recognition Project completed : E-Commerce | Company website | Digital Certificate web | etc. Total project completed twenty one.
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Atmiya Group of Institutions, Shree M. & N. Virani Science College, Rajkot (Affiliated to SU)

Master of Information Technology & Computer Application in

Passout Year: 2015
Atmiya Group of Institutions, Shree M. & N. Virani Science College, Rajkot (Affiliated to SU)

Bachelor of Information Technology & Computer Application in

Passout Year: 2013
VidyaNiketan Institute of Science, Rajkot

Higher Secondary (HSC) in Biology

Passout Year: 2010


Commensurable Encryption Using User -Define Key Technique

Research Article November, 2012

Journal: International Journal of Computer Applications & Information Technology

A Comparative Study of Ontology Building Tools for Contextual Information Retrieval

Research Article January, 1970

Journal: Springer conference on International Conference on Emerging Trends in Expert Applications & Security 2018

A Comparative Study of Cryptographic Algorithms for Cloud Security

Research Article January, 1970

Journal: Springer conference on International Conference on Emerging Trends in Exp ert Applications & Security.

Semantic -based Contextual knowledge retrieval technology using Ontology

Research Article January, 1970

Journal: International Conference at University of wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Indonesia on emerging global trends in humanities science, technology & Management

Implementation of Automatic Speech Recognition tool using C#.Net

Research Article January, 1970

Journal: Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat Journal issn no 2320 -0006, Issue no 12, June-July 2017

Django Web Framework: A Comprehensive Introduction and Step by Step Installation

Research Article January, 1970

Journal: Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat Journal issn no 2320 -0006, Issue no 12, August -Sep 2017

Intrusion Detecti on System using user defined key

Research Article January, 1970

Journal: Atmiya group of Institutions (Shree M & N. Virani Science College, Rajkot National level Next -generation symposium tech fest.

Image and Audio Encryption Using Stenography.

Research Article January, 1970

Journal: Marwadi University, National level GTU Techfest.

Cryptography using user -define key technique

Research Article January, 1970

Journal: Atmiya group of Institutions (Shree M & N. Virani Science College, Rajkot Infocraze.


Role in Research Journals



Google Assistant(Alexa) using Raspberry PI

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
Google Assistant is a virtual personal assistant developed by Google Unlike Google Now, the Google Assistant can engage in two -way conversations. In our project using google assistant libraries and our customized libraries we have made it more smarter using alexa amazon libraries.Still I am enh ancing it how we can do better using AI.
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Real tme trackng system of bus (RMTS/BRTS

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
Main objective of this project is to provide tra cking system for bus using GPS. The System includes two panels admin side (Cen tralised Management) and clientside. Admin s ide include the centralised control on transport running status, fuel management and bus maintenance, attendance mod ule for drivers, speed tracking and passengers review. Client side it provide bus running status, seat av ailability, fare list, cashless booking, time estimation an d complain as well as feedback. The main motive is to provide real time bus tra cking system. For all the users hence it minimize the daily struggle of traveller by providing actual schedule.
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RMC Smart Library mobile application

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
The main goal for creating this application is that people of Rajkot can easily access the RMC library from any corner of the world. They can check the availability of their books; they dont need to go to the library. In this application we are making easy for user to check different kinds of books, journals, Articles, Video lectures, Audio - Video, DVDs & CDs, Newspaper, Magazines. The user can also search all material by title, name, author, ISBN, ISSN, keyword, subject, date/year of publication. We can also provide the user to download the eBooks, Preview the eBook (Google preview).
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Semantic search and Ontology Mapping for E -Learning portal

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
The main purpose of Semantic search and Ontology Mapping for E -Learning portal is to develop the ontology and m apped that ontology with Database as well as system that can implement in any digital learning environment to make machine understand the query search by the user. There are many other subsystem to that I have implemented in this project e.g. ontology crea tion tool, federated search, perpetual beta, data harvester, open semantic framework etc..
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Semantic search and Data Harvesting in Digital Learning Environment

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
Semantic search & Data harvesting in digital learning environment main aim is to improve se arch by implementing the ontology in searching. To test my concept here I am using the platform digital repository of Atmiya institute of technology and science. Because it provides me a wide platform to test my search model concept.
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Complete tool for App lied cryptography and Steganography

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
Online Cipher Creation help the user to send the file (.docx,.txt)in the encrypted format so and the receiver of the file can decrypt it so if in between if file get hack then also the hacker does not get the real information of file. Multi Cipher Creation Software provides the many different and advance type of the encryption technique for e.g. image encryption, video encryption, database encryption,.exe file encryption etc. so we can securely transfer our any file via email or any other media its main goal of MCC. Achievement of Multi Cipher Creation: this project is selected at national level competition in college event and as well it is approved by the GDG of Rajkot. Both of the above software tools have been imple mented in android applicaton also.
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Chat Application using socket and node

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
Chat application with popular web applications stacks like LAMP (PHP) has traditionally been very hard. It involves polling the server for changes, keeping track of timestamps, and its a lot slower than it should be. Sockets have traditionally been the solution around which most realtime chat systems are architected, providing a bi -directional communication channel between a client and a server. This means that the server can push messages to clients. Whenever you write a chat message, the idea is that the server will get it and push it to all other connected clients.
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Online Collaborative platform White board application

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
A Web Whiteboard is touch -friendly online whiteboard app t hat lets you use your computer, tablet or smartphone to easily draw sketches, collaborate with others and share them with the world.
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Dspace Digital Repository

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and di stributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication. I have setup dspace and develop customized plugins for its security and data harvesting. For those who want to have an Enterprise Class, Fully featured, Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) also termed as electronc repostory, with comprehensive func tionality and advanced options.
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PKP Data harvester (OJS)

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
Customized network level impleme ntation of Open data harvester and (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research .
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Faculty daily work log managemen t with analytics

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
Log data is a definitive record of what's happening in day to day work , at work place or organization. its often an untapped resource when it comes to troubleshooting and supporting broader business objectives. The developed software re cord all the work done by the employee and the admin can see the analytics for the same.
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IOT based home automation system

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
This application is feveloped for controlling home appliances automatically using various control system techniques. The electrica l and electronic appliances in the home such as fan, lights, outdoor lights, fire alarm, kitchen timer, etc., can be controlled using android phone.
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Sixth sense using wearable gestural interface

Jan-1970 to Jan-1970
'SixthSense' is a wearable gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use natural hand gestures to interact with that information. I have implemented the sixthSense technnology using C#.Net.Using which we can control our computer using our gestures. SixthSense bridges this gap, bringing intangible, digital information out into the tangible world, and allowing us to interact with this information via natural hand gestures. SixthSense frees information from its confines by seamlessly integrating it with reality , and thus making the entire world your computer.
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International Conference on Big Data & Knowledge Discovery

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Bangalore ,

Karnataka, India

International Conference on Universal Human Values in Higher Education

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

Shree M & N. Virani Science College, (Autonomous) Atmiya Group of Institutions Rajkot. ,

Rajkot, Gujarat, India

National Level Symposium on Computing Trend (Big Data Work shop)

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

Shree M & N. Virani Science College, (Autonomous) Atmiya Group of Institutions Rajkot. ,

Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Library & Emerging Trends

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

IIT Gandhinagar in collaboration with Drexel University, United States ,

Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

National Level Workshop on Next Generation Technology Trends

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

NCT -2011, Shree M.N. Virani Science College Rajkot ,

Rajkot, Gujarat, India

National Level Workshop Cloud Computing Trends

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

NCT -2011, Shree M.N. Virani Science College Rajkot Rajkot ,

Rajkot, Gujarat, India

International Training Workshop on Pre -Placement Practises & Corporate Etiquette

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

Glocal Management Services ,

Rajkot, Gujarat, India

National level workshop on Desktop A rchitecture

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

ISTE Student Chapter, Sardar Vallabhai Patel Institute of Technology Vasad ,

Vasad, Gujarat, India

National level workshop on Computer Architecture

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

ISTE Student Chapter, Sardar Vallabhai Patel Institute of Technology Vasad ,

Vasad, Gujarat, India

Workshop on Ethical Hacking

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

Shree M.N. Virani Science College Computer Science Department Rajkot Rajkot ,

Rajkot, Gujarat, India

One day Seminar on IOS Development

Conference Jan 1970
Hosted By:

Shree M.N. Virani Science College Computer Science Department Rajkot Rajkot ,

Rajkot, Gujarat, India


Introduction to NoSQL and Dbaas
Issued By:

IBM Big Data University

Building on the the Strengths of Students with Special Needs
Issued By:

Toby Karten ASCDE

Certicate course on big data and machine learning
Issued By:

Microsoft vrtual academy

Training course on building block web applications
Issued By:

Microsoft virtual academy

Structur ing the Learning Environment to promote positive behaviors
Introduction to Big Data analytics using hadoop eco system
Thrifty Teachers guide to Creative Learning Centres
Issued By:

Shelly Nichloson Director of the Godadard School of Austin ,Gryphon house

Wordpress essential for Business
Issued By:

Marc Benetaeu

seven ways to Conquer a Curriculum Search
Issued By:

Mindy Sinyak Vice president of Noodle market



Life member


From year to

EAU (European Alliance for Innovation )

From year to

IOSR ( International Organization of Scientific Research )

From year to

Indian Society For Technical Education(ISTE)

From year to


From year to

IAENG (International Society of Promising Computer Engineers)

From year to
Member (Editor)


From year to
Invited Position

Invited Position

Honours & Awards

Honours & Awards

University Gold Medalist
Awarded by:

Best researcher award
Awarded by:

Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science Library & Learning Centre

Best paper presentation
Awarded by:

National Tech Fest GTU organized by Marwadi University

Best project developer award
Awarded by:

Shree M.N Virani Science College Rajkot

Best project winner
Awarded by:

SVIT College in hardware project Nano washing machine

2nd Rank in Paper Presentation SciTech Event oral Competition
Awarded by:

1st Rank in INFOCRAZE 12 Best Paper Presentation Award
Awarded by:

2nd Rank Model Presentation of Multicore Architecture (Infocraze Event)
Awarded by:

Best Spot Programmer in Infocraze Event Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science
Awarded by:

1st rank winner in solar car model
Awarded by:

SciTech event organized by Virani science college Rajkot

Special Award
Awarded by:

AITS Library & Learning Centre

Year: 2014
Best Student Award
Awarded by:

Soni Caste with highest score in PG Programme

Year: 2014
Best researcher student award
Awarded by:

AITS Library & Learning Centre

Year: 2013
Best Student Award
Awarded by:

Soni Caste with highest score in UG Programme

Year: 2013
Doctoral and Master Thesis Guided

Doctoral and Master Thesis Guided



Academic Identity


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