Dr. Prachi Singh is an accomplished Assistant Professor specializing in environmental engineering, particularly in groundwater management and climate change adaptation, with a focus on conjunctive use of surface water. Holding a Ph.D. from MNNIT Allahabad, she has made significant contributions through research projects and publications in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences. Her educational background includes an M.Tech. from MANIT Bhopal and a B.E. in Civil Engineering from UIT RGPV Bhopal. With previous roles as a Research Associate at SPA New Delhi and Teaching Associate at Vaageswari College of Engineering, she brings a wealth of academic and practical experience to her current position at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior.
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Madhav Institute of Technology & Science
MNNIT Allahabad (Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allah...
Ph.D in Environment Engineering
Passout Year: 2019Publication
July, 2019
Identification of pollution sources using artificial neural network (ANN) and multilevel breakthrough curve (BTC) characterization
A pollution source in groundwater may be active at some location for certain periods. There may be multiple potential sources responsible for observed contamination at observation wells. The...
Spatiotemporal Analysis and Mapping of Groundwater Quality Using GIS
Jun 2018
Globalization and Career Opportunities
IBS Americas ,
Sao Paulo, BrazilCertificates
By : Design Centre T...
Event : AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD 2010
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