I am looking forward for Research Associate position in the area of Electronics and Communication Engineering along with keen interest in research in Digital Image processing
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Assistant Professor
JIS College of Engineering, West Bengal
Jan-2012 to PresentLecturer
Kanksa Academy of Technology & Management
Jan-1970 to Jan-1970Education
Heritage Institute of Technology
M.Tech in Electronics and Communication
Passout Year: 2011Global Academy of Technology (GAT)
B.Tech in Electronics & Instrumentation
Passout Year: 2008Publication
Astudy on: Unioue identification using stereoscopic retinal image
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Eigenface and PCA Based Face Recognition System
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering
Offline Handwritten Bangla Character Recognition using k-NN
Journal: National Conferrence on Academic Meet
Journal: International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
Pitch determination and pitch tracking of speech signals using implicit calculation of autocorrelati...
Journal: National Conference on Control, Communication & Device Electronics
Pitch determination and pitch tracking of speech signals using implicit calculation of autocorrelati...
Journal: National Conference on Control, Communication & Device Electronics
Wavelet Based Watermarked Normal and Abnormal Heart Sound Identification Using Spectrogram Analysis
Journal: IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research
FCM Based Blood Vessel Segmentation Method for Retinal Images Segmentation Method for Retinal Images
Journal: International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN)
A Session Based Blind Watermarking Technique within the NROI of Retinal Fundus Images for Authentica...
Journal: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
DWT Based Speaker Identification Using Spectrogram Analysis
Journal: International Journal of Graphics & Image Processing(IJGIP)
Role in Research Journals
Unique Identification using stereoscopic retinal image
Jan-1970 to Jan-1970Conference/Seminar/STTP/FDP/Symposium/Workshop
ICAME 2015 (International Conference on Advancements of Medical Electronics