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Deepak is a thought leader in AI and Telehealth space. He is a double master's in business and information systems and holds a bachelor's in computer science. He is a Product Enthusiast with 10 years of experience in product development, management and design ranging from telecom to multimedia and from IT solutions to the enterprise healthcare platform. His expertise lies in building AI-powered HealthTech and Telehealth solutions that can reach to from big cities to remote areas of the world. He is also leading a telehealth pilot project in rural part of India and is in stealth mode as of now. He has been part of jury for multiple healthcare awards and editorial committee and his thought provoking research papers in the telehealth domain inspire many. Deepak has been publishing, writing and speaking in AI and HealthTech domain from quite some time now and his ability to simplify complex things sets him apart. His career progression, willingness to share the knowledge through speaking and mentorship and his ability lead product development with large scale HealthTech companies exemplifies his expertise in the domain. He is a certified six sigma green best and a certified product owner. He is an award winning philanthropic and innovator in the healthcare domain.

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Teladoc Health

Aug-2021 to Present
Technical Lead

Samsung Research India - Bangalore

Jul-2011 to Jul-2017
Product Manager
Jun-2019 to Aug-2021


University of Pittsburgh - Katz School of Business

MBA and MS-MIS in Healthcare Technology Product Development

Passout Year: 2019
RV College of Engineering

B.E in Computer Science & Engineering

Passout Year: 2011


  • dott image August, 2023

Telehealth and Virtual Clinical Trials: The Interplay of Data Engineering and Cloud Technologies for a Digital-First Healthcare Approach Use

The term digital health describes processes like telemedicine and mobile health that supply healthcare resources, services, and information through electronic technologies. In this review of...

  • dott image June, 2023

Redefining Boundaries in Healthcare: An In-Depth Exploration of Telemedicine's and Wireless Technology’s Role in Emergency Care and Disaster Managem...

As the digital revolution reshapes healthcare, telemedicine emerges as a vital field, holding promise in managing emergency care and disaster responses. This compelling paper delves into the...


  • dott image Jun 2023

Tech Summit San Francisco

Hosted By:

65643e82a47635706d012f62 ,

California, United States
  • dott image May 2023

AI and Tech Summit

Hosted By:

65643ea978b108dab10d1903 ,

San Jose, California, United States


Issued : Dec 2020
  • dott image By : Scaled Agile, I...
Six Sigma Green Belt
Issued : Aug 2020
  • dott image By : Stanford Univer...
Machine Learning


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From year to
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International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

From year to

Honours & Awards

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Global Achiever Award
Awarded by:

Indian Achievers Forum

Year: 2033

Scholar9 Profile ID




Review Request
Article Reviewed






