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Craig A. Anderson, Ph.D. (Stanford University, 1980) is a Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts & Sciences at Iowa State University, Past-President of the International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA), and current Editor-in-Chief of ISRA’s journal Aggressive Behavior. His 270+ publications have received over 54,000 citations. His book "Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents" (co-authors Douglas Gentile and Katherine Buckley) included the first longitudinal study of this topic, and the first experimental study to compare the short-term effects of violent children’s video games on the aggressive behavior of both children and college students. He is considered by many to be the world's leading expert on violent video game effects. His latest book is a comprehensive review of violent media effects, with an emphasis on video games. The book, "Game On! Sensible Answers about Video Games and Media Violence" (co-authors Courtney Plante, Johnie Allen, Christopher Groves, and Douglas Gentile) uses a Q&A format to address a wide range of issues. The dual Short Answer/Long Answer format of this book make it accessible to parents, child advocates, and public policy makers, as well as being a valuable resource for media effects researchers. Go to for more details. Dr. Anderson’s General Aggression Model has been applied to clinical, social, personality and developmental psychology; pediatrics; criminology; war and climate change, among other fields. His forthcoming monograph (with graduate student Andreas Miles-Novelo, Cambridge University Press, working title Climate Change and Human Behavior: Impacts of a Rapidly Changing Climate on Human Aggression and Violence) addresses rapid global warming effects on increasing violence at multiple levels, ranging from prenatal development through sociological, economic, and political risk factors for intergroup conflicts and war. In 2017, Dr. Anderson received the Kurt Lewin Award from the Society for the Psychological Study of Psychological Issues, its top award. It was presented for "outstanding contributions to the development and integration of psychological research and social action." In 2018, Dr. Anderson was awarded the Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Distinguished Scholar Award, the society’s “senior career award that recognizes the broad scope and potentially integrative nature of scholarship in personality and social psychology. It honors a scholar who has made distinctively valuable research contributions across his or her career that bridge personality and social psychology or bridge personality or social psychology to another field (i.e. law, education, organizations, or medicine).” In 2021 the American Psychological Association's Division 46 (Media Psychology) gave Dr. Anderson it’s highest award, the Distinguished Lifetime Contributions to Media Psychology & Technology Award.

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Distinguished Professor of Psychology

Iowa State University

Jul-1999 to Present


Stanford University

Ph.D. in Social Psychology

Passout Year: 1980


Human Aggression

Research on human aggression has progressed to a point at which a unifying framework is needed. Major domain-limited theories of aggression include cognitive neoassociation, social learning,...


Jun-2015 to May-2010

National Institutes of Health "Video Game Violence



  • dott image Apr 2007

The Future of Children: Media Technology in the Lives of Children and Youth

Hosted By:

Princeton University ,

Princeton, New Jersey, United States
Anderson, C.A. Thoughts on "Children, Media & Technology: Media’s Influence on Health and Risky Behaviors." Reviewer and discussant at the 2007 conference on " The Future of Children: Media Technology in the Lives of Children and Youth." Princeton University and the Brookings Institution, Princeton, New Jersey, April 12-13, 2007.
...see more


Issued : Feb 1992
  • dott image By : National Presid...
  • dott image Event : Psi Chi Faculty...
Psi Chi “Certificate of Appreciation

Invited Position

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Violent Video Games’ Effects On Children

Meet the Professors

From year 2015 to 2015

Honours & Awards

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Distinguished Scholar Award
Awarded by:

Society of Personality and Social Psychology

Year: 2018

Scholar9 Profile ID




Review Request
Article Reviewed






