TMR Publishing Group Limited
New Zealand
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Editorial Board Member
Nursing Communications (ISSN 2815-7206) is a peer-reviewed open access journal managed by TMR Publishing Group. Nursing Communications is a fully refereed journal publishing original scholarly work that advances the international understanding and development of nursing both as a profession and academic discipline. The Journal focuses on research and professional discussion papers with a sound scientific, theoretical or philosophical base. Nursing Communications is also an open access journal. All articles with full text are available for free download and reading upon publication without subscription charges or registration barriers. Nursing Communications aims to publish the latest research findings of nursing to provide an academic platform for nursing exchanges at home and abroad, to promote academic development and discipline construction of nursing, and to propagate academic characteristics and culture of nursing. Nursing Communications has been included in EBSCO, Semantic Scholar, VIP Database, CNKI Scholar, Google Scholar, EuroPub, ResearchBib, and Superstar Journals Database.
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