Indian Council of Agricultural Research
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This journal caters to a wide clientele comprising veterinarians, researchers and students. Articles are included on animal breeding and genetics, immunology, biotechnology, diseases, medicine and pharmacology, anatomy and histology, surgery, pathology, physiology, nutrition, milk, meat and other animal products, housing and fisheries from India and internationally. NAAS Rating (2024): 6.4 The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences is the most notable scientific journal in its field being published in India. It has earned national and international distinction. It is main source of information of original research carried out by our scientists and also serves as a permanent record of scientific research. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences is listed in the Science Citation Index and the Current Contents (Agriculture Biology and Environmental Sciences) published by the Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia, the USA. This journal is also listed in the Agrindex of the FAO, the abstracting journal of the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences, and other major abstracting services of the world. It is the premier monthly research journal on animal sciences in India. It includes results of important original research work on animal breeding, diseases, physiology, nutrition, dairying, animal production technology and fisheries. The journal lays emphasis on original articles. It also publishes short scientific notes of topical interest and critical review articles written by eminent scientists who have specialized in their fields of study and are capable of pointing out lacunae in research and suggesting future lines of work. Important books are reviewed frequently for the benefit of the readers by competent subject-matter specialists. The journal caters to a wide clientele comprising veterinarians, researchers and students, and is subscribed by important veterinarians in India and abroad.
The study describes the prevailing bovine rotavirus (RV) genotypes in high altitude areas of Uttarakhand state of India. The results confirmed the dominance of G3 genotype, which is responsi...
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