Mizo Academy of Sciences
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Science Vision is a multidisciplinary science journal to provide a forum for the reporting and discussion of news and issues concerning science, and to disseminate the information to the public. It publishes original research, research reviews, letters and news. It maintains a single-blind peer reviewing system, and on request, an open reviewing with an author's suggestion of external experts. Since 2001, the journal is published by the Mizo Academy of Sciences (originally as MIPOGRASS) with financial assistance from the Mizoram Science, Technology and Innovation Council (MISTIC), Directorate of Science and Technology, Government of Mizoram. It is registered with the Registrar of the Newspapers for India, Government of India, under registration number RNI MIZBIL/2001/4252. For eight year till 2008, its publication was entirely on general science education. As research activities among members of the society reached new levels, it became a fully peer-reviewed journal in 2009. In 2009, ISSN 0975-6175 for the print edition was assigned by the ISSN National Centre for India, National Science Library, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAR), New Delhi, India. To further promote information sharing, it went online. Then, ISSN 2229-6026 was given for an online edition in 2010.
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