Punjabi Academy, Delhi
Google Scholar
On our part, we have crossed two decades of the 21st century and now the third decade has come knocking. After the 1990s, the world has been connected to new contexts. After the two-polar world merged into one pole, imperialism has used various techniques to silence the voices of the people. Globalization, liberalization and marketization have changed the face of the world. The last 30 years are witness that this phenomenon has also taken literature and arts into its fold. Folk culture, which used to be the property of a group of people, has now become a commodity of the market. The same has happened to literature recently. This phenomenon has definitely made literature and literary figures, scholars, into two poles. There are some who do not hesitate to give a damn to the independent thoughts/philosophy/ideology of their nation by agreeing with the establishment and some are those who are connected with the truth. This phenomenon has been emerging in Punjabi literature for the last few years. The writers/scholars who walk with the establishment hide their eyes from their own people, while the people standing at the other pole look the establishment builders in the eyes, challenge them and then also lead their own group ideologically. The establishment feels threatened by such writers/scholars. That is why they are labeled as anti-national. Only
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