Online Research Book Publication
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The Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (OIIRJ) is an online, peer reviewed, indexed, open access, interdisciplinary refereed research journal published Bi-Monthly in English medium started in the year Sept- October 2011. This journal provides a platform for the researchers, academicians and students to share knowledge in the form of high quality research work in all the subjects and cover the fields of Life sciences, health sciences, physical sciences, earth sciences, chemical sciences, library and information sciences, education, management and engineering. This journal is indexed with Indian Citation Index (ICI), Electronics Journals Library- University of Rosenberg Germany, Scientific Publ. Index, Scientific Resources Database, Recent Science Index, Directory of Academic Resources, Elite Scientific Journals Archive, Current Index to Scholarly Journals, Academic Papers Database and Contemporary Research Index. Our review process is very strict and the papers not fulfilling the criteria are outright rejected. The journal has a wide network of very good academicians and researchers spread throughout the world and our referees are constantly working hard to maintain the journal standard. On global scale a large number of journals are present but we are keeping our promise to strictly adhere to the norms framed and so are vigilant to maintain the journal standard.
This paper presents educational programmes for children with diverse needs and benefitsof inclusive education. The Education Commission of 1966 drew attention to the education of children wi...
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