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The criteria for consideration of translational and clinical research in Nature Medicine are originality, timeliness and impact on improving human health by addressing unmet clinical needs. Original research ranges from new concepts in human biology and disease pathogenesis to new therapeutic modalities and drug development, to all phases of clinical work, as well as innovative technologies aimed at improving human health. Nature Medicine is a monthly journal publishing original peer-reviewed research in all areas of medicine on the basis of its originality, timeliness, interdisciplinary interest and impact on improving human health. Nature Medicine also publishes commissioned content, including News, Reviews and Perspectives, aimed at contextualizing the latest advances in translational and clinical research to reach a wide audience of M.D. and Ph.D. readers. All editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional editors.
The spectrum, pathophysiology and recovery trajectory of persistent post-COVID-19 cognitive deficits are unknown, limiting our ability to develop prevention and treatment strategies. We repo...
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