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Microbial Ecology (ME)

Publisher :

Springer Nature

Scopus Profile
Peer reviewed only
Scopus Profile
Open Access
  • Ecology Biology
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Science
  • +2

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Impact Factor :


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Country :

United States

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Impact Factor Assignee :

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Journal Descriptions

Microbial Ecology is a comprehensive open-access forum dedicated to presenting high-quality scientific investigations of how microorganisms interact with their environment, each other, and their hosts. Microbial ecology lies at the heart of functioning for almost every ecosystem on the planet, from the deep-sea vents and subsurface systems to human and animal well-being; from pristine marine and terrestrial environments to industrial bioreactor functioning. Microbial Ecology provides a dedicated international forum for the presentation of high-quality scientific investigations of how microorganisms interact with their biotic and abiotic environments, with each other as well as with their neighbors and hosts, to carry out their diverse functions. Microbial Ecology offers articles of original research in full paper and note formats, as well as brief reviews and topical position papers. Coverage includes the ecology of microorganisms in natural and engineered environments; genomic and molecular advances in understanding of microbial interactions and phylogeny; microbial drivers of biogeochemical processes; inter- and intraspecific microbial communication; ecological studies of animal, plant and insect microbiology and disease; microbial processes and interactions in extreme or unusual environments; microbial population and community ecology, and more. All Issues Covers the ecology of microorganisms in natural and engineered environments. Offers articles of original research, brief reviews, commentaries, and topical position papers. Established over 50 years ago and has evolved to be a premier location for advances in the field of microbial ecology. Rapid publication ensured by a dedicated Editorial Board. Encourages contributions of images from authors for its cover images.

Microbial Ecology (ME) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Ecology Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Science, Mathematics, Biological Sciences , Online or Print, Bi-Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0095-3628, E-ISSN - 1432-184X, Established in - 1974, Impact Factor - 4.2

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in PubMed, UGC CARE

Not indexed in Scopus, WoS, DOAJ

Publications of ME

  • dott image Estibaliz Sansinenea
  • dott image July, 2023

Bacillus spp. as Bio-factories for Antifungal Secondary Metabolites: Innovation Beyond Whole Organism Formulations

Several fungi act as parasites for crops causing huge annual crop losses at both pre- and post-harvest stages. For years, chemical fungicides were the solution; however, their wide use has c...

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