Hindawi Publishing Corporation
United Kingdom
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The overall aim of the Journal of Nanomaterials is to bring science and applications together on nanoscale and nanostructured materials with emphasis on synthesis, processing, characterization, and applications of materials containing true nanosize dimensions or nanostructures that enable novel/enhanced properties or functions. It is directed at both academic researchers and practicing engineers. Journal of Nanomaterials will highlight the continued growth and new challenges in nanomaterials science, engineering, and nanotechnology, both for application development and for basic research. All papers should emphasize original results relating to experimental, theoretical, computational, and/or applications of nanomaterials ranging from hard (inorganic) materials, through soft (polymeric and biological) materials, to hybrid materials or nanocomposites. Review papers summarizing the state of the art for a particular research field or tutorial papers, especially those emphasizing multidisciplinary views of nanomaterials and those related to significant nanotechnologies, are also welcome. Journal of Nanomaterials employs a paperless, electronic submission and evaluation system to promote a rapid turnaround in the peer review process.
Spectrum sensing allows cognitive radio systems to detect relevant signals even in the presence of interference for reliable communication. Most of the existing spectrum sensing techniques u...
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