Scholars Middle East Publishers
United Arab Emirates
“Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy” ISSN 2523-2223 (Online) & ISSN 2523-2665 (Print) is a Monthly, peer reviewed, open access, Journal published by published by “Scholars Middle East Publishers”, Dubai, UAE. This Journal publishes Original Research Articles, Review, Short Communications, Essays and Case Studies within the whole field of Education and Philosophy their related and applied fields. The scopes of “Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy” includes all the areas of research activities in all fields of Aesthetics, Epistemology, Ethics, Logic and the Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Science, Political and Legal Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mathematics, Logic, Anti-schooling activism, Behavior modification, Board of education, Textbook, Collaborative learning, College, Comparative education, Compulsory education, Continuing education, Curriculum, Department of Education, Developmental Education, Educational technology (the use of electronic educational technology is also called e-learning), Educational animation, Educational philosophies, Educational psychology, Free education, Glossary of education, Grade (education), Homework, Humanistic education, Instructional technology, Language education, Learning, Learning community, Library, Life skills, Lifelong education, List of educators, ethical education, Online learning community, Remedial education, Single-sex education, Socialization, Study skills, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and all area of Education and Philosophy.
Various efforts are being made to make education more qualitative. Primary education plays a very important role in quality education. Effective education is essential for quality in educati...
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