Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
United States
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The Dynamic Systems & Controls area focuses on principles and methods for designing and controlling engineered and natural systems. A broad-based perspective inspires a creative engineering approach to applications involving systems comprised of multiple interacting energetic devices or processes having a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Specific areas of concentration that contribute to this effort include acoustics, applied mechanics, bioengineering, computational sciences, constitutive behavior and design of materials, electro mechanics, control and information theory, multibody dynamics, and system dynamics. Typical application areas include novel transducer designs, biomechanics at the cellular and human scale, dynamics and control of power and vehicle systems, and innovations in signal and information theory. Graduates from this program may be found in the automotive and aerospace industries as well as in national research laboratories and start-up industries. Covers all aspects of dynamics and control including new theoretical developments, novel computational algorithms, new experimental techniques, and emerging applications Presents a balanced mix of authoritative and comprehensive reviews, original articles on the state of the art research and brief communications Offers rigorous review and rapid publication of articles The Journal publishes original research and review articles reporting on theoretical, numerical and experimental works that advance the knowledge of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems and their control. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems examines the entire spectrum of issues related to dynamical systems, focusing on the theory of smooth dynamical systems with analyses of measure-theoretical, topological, and bifurcational aspects. It covers all essential branches of the theory--local, semi local, and global--including the theory of foliations. The journal also features in-depth papers devoted to control systems research that spotlight the geometric control theory, which unifies Lie-algebraic and differential-geometric methods of investigation in control and optimization, and ultimately relates to the general theory of dynamical systems. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems presents peer-reviewed survey and original research articles. Accessible to a broad range of scholars, each survey paper contains all necessary definitions and explanations, a complete over-view of the problem discussed, and a description of its importance and relationship to basic research on the subject. This publication also features authoritative contributions describing ongoing investigations and innovative solutions to unsolved problems as well as detailed reviews of newly published books relevant to future studies in the field.
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