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International Journal of Thermal Technologies (IJTT) was started in 2011 and is a journal devoted to the publication of fundamental studies on the physics of transfer processes in general, with an emphasis on thermal aspects and also applied research on various processes, energy systems and the environment. The scope includes , heat exchangers, heat pipes, cooling processes, transport phenomena taking place in industrial processes (chemical, food and agricultural, metallurgical, space and aeronautical, automobile industries), nano–and micro–technology for energy, space, biosystems and devices, heat transport analysis in advanced systems, impact of energy–related processes on environment, and emerging energy systems. Articles are published in English and French, and are subject to peer review.The study of thermophysical properties of materials and fluids, thermal measurement techniques, inverse methods, and the developments of experimental methods are within the scope of the International Journal of Thermal Technologies which also covers the modelling, and numerical methods. IJTT incorporates review articles, technical notes, short communications and discussions on previously published papers. Technical notes provide an opportunity to rapidly disseminate research results that are of timely interest to the thermal and fluid sciences community.
The thermal power plants are used to generate power. The thermal power plants are designed based on required conditions (like a good quality of steam, pressure and temperature of steam etc.)...
The conventional steam power plant working under, the Rankine Cycle and the steam condenser as a heat sink and the steam boiler, as a heat source have the same importance for the power plant...
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