The Association for the Development of Science Engineering and Education
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International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) is an international, high quality, peer reviewed open access journal which publishes articles in all areas of cognitive science, perception, natural language understanding, inference, memory processes, learning, problem solving, planning, connectionism, and other areas of interdisciplinary concern related in education, pedagogy and psychology. The main objective of the Journal is to discuss global prospects and innovations concerning major issues of cognitive science, to publish new scientific results of cognitive science research, including the studies of cognitive processes, emotions, perception, memory, thinking, problem solving, planning, education and teaching, language and consciousness study, the results of studying man’s cognitive development and the formation of basic cognitive skills in everyday life. The Journal seeks to stimulate the initiation of new research and ideas in cognitive science for the purpose of integration and interaction of international specialists in the development of cognitive science as interdisciplinary knowledge.
The objective of this experiment was to determine the best possible input EEG feature for classification of the workload while designing load balancing logic for an automated operator. The i...
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