IJTRE Publication
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IJTRE is a peer review journal where evaluation of work by one or more people with similar competencies as the producers of the work. peer review journal are mainly used for maintain quality standards, improved performance and provide credibility. IJTRE is an open access journal where author do not require to pay to read the journal's content. The main focus of the open access movement is peer reviewed research literature. International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering (IJTRE) is a leading peer reviewed, open access journal world wide which covers various topics like science, engineering and technology. International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering (IJTRE) is approved by National Science Library (Delhi) after all the document verification and publication quality. International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering (IJTRE) received two ISSN No. for paper publication one is for online version and another is for offline version. International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering is recommended by many university and College world wide for their students to publish their paper in various research field. International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering having a wide number of reviewer team and all the board member is experts in their own field.
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