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International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health considers review and research articles related to: Adapted Physical Activity, Aerobic Exercise, Biophysical Investigation of Sports Performance, Combat Sports and Martial Arts, Design of sports Devices, Fitness-Tools Manufacturing Researches, Exercise Physiology, Games, Health Education, Individual Sports, Kinanthropometry, Kinesiology, Kinesiology, Market trends in sports, Military sports, Movement Science, Nutrition in Sports and Exercise, Philosophy of Sport, Physical Education, Physical Exercise and Health, Physical Fitness, Physiotherapy, Political Science of Sport, Sports Facilities, Sports History, Sports Information, Sports Medicine, Sports Therapy, Sports Injuries and Prevention (Spinal Injuries and Deformities, Rehabilitation, Arthoplasty, Arthritis, Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases & Disorders, Cartilage Regeneration, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Injury Management, Foot & Ankle Disorders, Neuromotor Psychology, Neurorehabilitation Techniques, Orthopedics and Osteopathy, Muscle Hypertrophy), Sports Management, Sports Pedagogy, Sports Biomechanics, Sports Business & Sports Development, Sports in public/private sector, Sports Law, Sports Management, Sports Nutrition, Sports Psychology, Sports Science, Sports Sociology, Sports Statistics, Sports Tourism, Sports Training, Strength and Conditioning, Stress Management, Training and Judgements, Trekking & Bouldering, and Meditation & Yogic Psychology. Your views and comments will be highly acclaimed. Author can send their articles to sports.manuscript@gmail.com. All manuscripts are subjected to RAPID peer review process and those of high quality (which are not previously published and are not under consideration for publication by another journal) would be published without any delay in subsequent issue. Online submission of the manuscript is strongly recommended. A manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author within one week or early.
Background: Rock climbing places physical and mental demand which often requires strength, endurance, agility and balance. Tremendous muscular activity is required for Pulling and pushing ac...
Background: Rock climbing places extreme forces on the upper extremity. The various grip techniques transmit extremely high forces through the tissue of the digits, hand and forearm resultin...
Background: Rock climbing places physical and mental demand which often requires strength, endurance, agility and balance. Tremendous muscular activity is required for Pulling and pushing ac...
Background: Rock climbing places extreme forces on the upper extremity. The various grip techniques transmit extremely high forces through the tissue of the digits, hand and forearm resultin...
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