Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (INDIA)
Editorial Board Member
As a means to cater to the interests of Indian food industries, in the year 1982, Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, India started the technical article based journal titled as “Indian Food Industry”. The major objective of this publication was to provide knowledge-based information, which can bridge the gap between academia and industry and to keep students abreast with the progress that are being made by food industries. Initially, the journal was published quarterly, but in 1990, IFI became a bimonthly journal, so as to benefit large spectrum of people associated with food related activities. The spectrum of readers include food scientists, technologists, engineers, professionals, consultants, industrialists, policy makers, students and related. The AFSTI being very dynamic and to meet the needs of industry and aspirations of the elite readers, in the year 2019, the publication was renamed as “Indian Food Industry Mag” categorized as a Magazine under Registrar of Newspapers for India. Currently, Indian Food Industry Mag (IFI Mag) is a bi-monthly technical knowledge based magazine with a Members/subscriber base of around 5000. IFI accepts contributions such as Full Technical Review, Mini Reviews, News and Information about newer Machinery & Products, Recent Developments in food and allied industry/market etc., for publication. The IFI Mag editorial board consists of researchers, academicians, industry leaders and professionals. All the contributions are subjected to review and Editorial Board reserves the right to publish or edit suitably. IFI Mag follows stringent anti-plagiarism policy in meeting the contemporary challenges of publication. In the progressive journey of IFI Mag, the benchmark of the publications has been well recognized, wherein (i) Titles of published articles of IFI mag are indexed in FSTA and (ii) Complete published articles of IFI Mag are indexed in EBSCO science platform. Further, IFI Mag has obtained the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the print publication.
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