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Heterocyclic Letters (HL)

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Heterocyclic Chemistry
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Journal Descriptions

Heterocyclic Letters (HL) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, online open access as well as print International Journal. The journal will accept the original research contributions (previously unpublished) from all areas that related to heterocyclic chemistry (bio-organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, natural product chemistry, catalytic chemistry a, green chemistry etc.). The Journal Heterocyclic Letters invites authors to submit their research on any aspect of heterocyclic compounds in the form of original research papers, review articles and short communications.The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for students, academicians and scientists all over the world to promote, share and discuss various innovative research and developments in different areas of heterocyclic chemistry. Heterocyclic Letters (HL) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, online open access International Journal. The aim of the Heterocyclic letters is to provide in-depth development in the field of heterocyclic chemistry. The sole purpose of “Heterocyclic letters” is to publish research publications on all aspects of heterocyclic chemistry like fundamental aspects, new trends in the synthesis, structure and reactivity of heterocyclic compounds, their physical and chemical properties. Heterocyclic compounds originated from either natural chemistry or organic chemistry or medicinal chemistry. This relationship between interdisciplines arises because heterocyclic molecules are fundamental building blocks of biological systems. In addition to its importance to biology, heterocyclic chemistry has also been study in diverse areas such as coordination compounds, polymeric materials, dyes and in many other fields. The journal will accept the original research contributions (previously unpublished) from all areas that related to heterocyclic chemistry (bio-organic chemistry, organo-metallic chemistry, natural product chemistry, catalytic chemistry and green chemistry) Submitted manuscript may be theoretical, experimental or both. Papers should be original, unpublished and not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers based on incomplete data, limited to local importance, and results from periodical experiments will not normally be considered for publication. The Journal Heterocyclic Letters invites authors to submit their research on any aspect of heterocyclic compounds in the form of original research papers and review articles.

Heterocyclic Letters (HL) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Heterocyclic Chemistry , Online or Print, Quarterly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 2231-3087, E-ISSN - 2230-9632, Established in - 2011, Impact Factor

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in WoS, UGC CARE

Not indexed in Scopus, DOAJ, PubMed

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