Frontiers Media SA
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Frontiers in Nanotechnology explores nanoscale interactions at the interfaces of chemistry, physics and materials science. The journal welcomes interdisciplinary contributions on science, technology and engineering, as well as the applications of nanotechnologies in biomedical, energy and environmental spheres. Led by Field Chief Editors Prof Bingqing Wei (University of Delaware, USA) and Prof Themis Prodromakis (University of Edinburgh, UK), Frontiers in Nanotechnology is a Web of Science and Scopus-indexed journal that covers a wide range of topics including, but not limited to: biomedical nanotechnology computational nanotechnology environmental nanotechnology nanocatalysis nanodevices nanoelectronics nanofabrication nanomaterials nanometrology nanophotonics nanotechnology for energy applications. The journal actively welcomes submissions which support and advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG 3: good health and well-being; SDG7: affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all; SDG 9: industry, innovation and infrastructure and SDG 13: to limit and adapt to climate change. As well as original research and review content, Frontiers in Nanotechnology encourages the submission of prospective articles that discuss future opportunities, issues, applications, societal needs and the potential positive/negative impacts of nanotechnology research on society. Frontiers in Nanotechnology is committed to advancing developments in the field of nanotechnology by allowing unrestricted access to articles and communicating scientific knowledge to researchers and the public, enabling future scientific breakthroughs.
Heavy metal contamination in water sources poses a significant threat to environmental and public health, necessitating effective remediation strategies. Nanomaterial-based approaches have e...
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