Academic Research and Publishing UG
Aims and scope Instruction for authors Editorial Board External Reviewers Indexing Submission and publication procedure Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks (FMIR) is a peer-reviewed international gold open access journal. The Journal promotes the development of regional and world-wide cooperation between academics and professional financial communities, the international dissemination of theoretical and empirical research, as well as the best international and local practices of financial sector development, economic and legal transformations of financial and market infrastructure. The subjects of the Journal’s scope are banking, insurance, stock exchanges, financial services, finance and accounting, taxation, investment etc. Financial transformations are observed for companies, financial intermediaries, global societies, countries, regional and local communities, households. The Journal publishes the fundamental and applied research results, conceptual and empirical articles, analytical thematic studies and critical reviews. The journal is recommended for researchers, businessmen, enterprisers, librarians and members of academic communities. To submit a manuscript, you should follow the Publication Ethics Policy and Malpractice Statement and Instructions for Author. It means that articles must be original and not be published previously in other journals. Authors represent only own ideas and unique research results, do not submit their papers to several journals at once, avoid possible conflicts of interest.
Credit Risk management becomes major discussion issues in the financial institutions because of uncertainty related to borrower’s business. The aim of this study is to assess credit risk m...
Coffee is a bulging commercial crop ever growing up in Ethiopia to export for gaining comparative advantageous of price and income. It also plays a pivotal role to supporting livelihoods of ...
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the gaps in budget management and control in the Finance and Economic Cooperation Office in Mettu Woreda of Illu Ababora zone, Oromia. This ...
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