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Far East Journal of Mathematical Education (FJME)

Publisher :

Pushpa Publishing House

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Mathematics
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Journal Descriptions

The Far East Journal of Mathematical Education is a peer reviewed journal that publishes articles devoted to a variety of aspects of mathematical education concerning students, educators, researchers and practitioners. The journal solicits original research papers that provide a firm grip on mathematical concepts. Authors are asked to write with a brisk but clear style and, whenever appropriate, to include a discussion of relevant technology. In particular, discussions involving statistics and aspects of computers are highly encouraged, as are papers involving algorithms and simulations for learning mathematics (including online instruction). The journal welcomes articles that either survey recent innovations in curricula or design such innovative directions. Beginning in 2017, the journal hopes to begin publishing some articles that feature “PROOFS WITHOUT WORDS”.

Far East Journal of Mathematical Education (FJME) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Mathematics , Print, Bi-Annual Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0973-5631, E-ISSN , Established in - 2017, Impact Factor

Provide Crossref DOI

Not indexed in Scopus, WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

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