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Energy Conversion and Management (ECM)

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Peer reviewed only
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Open Access
  • Energy
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United Kingdom

Language :

English, Nuclear Energy, Power Technology, Fuel Technology, Environment



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Journal Descriptions

The journal Energy Conversion and Management provides a forum for publishing original contributions and comprehensive technical review articles of interdisciplinary and original research on all important energy topics. The topics considered include energy generation, utilization, conversion, storage, transmission, conservation, management and sustainability. These topics typically involve various types of energy such as mechanical, thermal, nuclear, chemical, electromagnetic, magnetic and electric. These energy types cover all known energy resources, including renewable resources (e.g., solar, bio, hydro, wind, geothermal and ocean energy), fossil fuels and nuclear resources. Papers are welcome that investigate or consider the prospects of energy technologies, devices, systems, materials, processes, operation, performance, maintenance and control.

Energy Conversion and Management (ECM) is :

International, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Refereed, Energy , Online or Print, Monthly Journal

UGC Approved, ISSN Approved: P-ISSN - 0196-8904, E-ISSN - 1879-2227, Established in - 1979, Impact Factor - 10.4

Not Provide Crossref DOI

Indexed in Scopus

Not indexed in WoS, DOAJ, PubMed, UGC CARE

Publications of ECM

Research Article
  • dott image Shailendra Sinha
  • dott image May, 2008

Biodiesel development from rice bran oil: Transesterification process optimization and fuel characterization

Increased environmental awareness and depletion of resources are driving industry to develop viable alternative fuels from renewable resources that are environmentally more acceptable. Veget...

Effect of fuel injection pressure and injection timing of Karanja biodiesel blends on fuel spray, engine performance, emissions and combustion charact...

In this investigation, effect of 10%, 20% and 50% Karanja biodiesel blends on injection rate, atomization, engine performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of common rail direct ...

Particulate emissions from biodiesel fuelled CI engines

Compression ignition (CI) engines are the most popular prime-movers for transportation sector as well as for stationary applications. Petroleum reserves are rapidly and continuously depletin...

Experimental investigations of the effect of pilot injection on performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of Karanja biodiesel fuelled CRD...

Pilot and post injections are being used in modern diesel engines for improving engine performance in addition to meeting stringent emission norms. Biodiesel produced from different feedstoc...

Research Article
  • dott image Vikram Kumar
  • dott image July, 2023

Dimethyl ether fuel injection system development for a compression ignition engine for increasing the thermal efficiency and reducing emissions

In this study, a dedicated fuel injection equipment (FIE) for a 100% dimethyl ether (DME)-fueled three-cylinder engine was developed. DME has a cetane number (>55) higher than baseline diese...

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