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Computational Thermal Sciences is an international journal designed to provide a forum for the exposure and exchange of ideas, methods and results in computational heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. Topics covered include but are not limited to: novel computational methods for direct and inverse problems, verification and validation, the laws of thermodynamics, thermal properties of substances, applied mathematical modeling, phase-change, single and multiphase flows, energy storage, biology, medicine, industrial apparatuses, heat engines, thermodynamic cycles, combustion, aerospace, environment, sustainability, thermal management, micro and nanoscale processes and ultra-fast heat transfer. Papers on all aspects − both fundamental and applied − will be welcome: on the one hand the development of new mathematical methods and computational algorithms, artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning, and on the application of new or existing methods to the solution of practical problems in thermal sciences. Reports of experimental studies undertaken in conjunction with computational works are encouraged. In addition, review papers on relevant topics related to the journal scope are invited. The assessment of the accuracy of computational solutions through verification (examining and limiting errors associated with discretization and with the computational solution methods adopted) and validation (quantification of discrepancies between computational and experimental results) are essential parts of any computational study, and authors are expected to examine these aspects. Manuscripts not considering standard solution and code verification procedures, or with simple applications of commercial/freeware codes, will not be accepted. Correspondence will be welcome on any aspect of the papers published.
Present study focuses on the investigation of thermohydraulic characteristics of a gasketed plate heat exchanger (GPHE) through theoretical predictions and numerical analysis using ANSYS FLU...
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