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Raja Rajeswari College of Engineering (RRCE)

Raja Rajeswari College of Engineering (RRCE)

14, Ramohalli cross 2nd Floor, RRCollege of Managment & Computer Application Kumbalgodu Mysore road, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India










Reliable army knowledge management process using perception tacit knowledge with xenogeneic deep neural networks

Research Article December-2018
Author Name:

Modelling of Map Reduce Performance for Work Control and Supply Provisioning

Research Article January-1970
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Secure data Transmission Manet using Onion routing and itrust.

Research Article January-1970
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An Effective Optimized Genetic Algorithm for Scalable Information Retrieval from cloud using big data

Research Article January-1970
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MART in Load Balancing Algorithm for Distributed Applications

Research Article January-1970
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A MR Simulator for Facilitating Cloud Computi ng

Research Article January-1970
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Matching LSI for scalable Information Retrieval

Research Article January-1970
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Assessing the Risks and Opportunities of Cloud Computing Defining Identity Management Systems and Maturity Models

Research Article January-1970
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The personalized Consumer Experience: A Multi Dimensional and Cloud Integrated Location-Conscious Phone

Research Article January-1970
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The Location Conscious Mobile Phones in Cloud

Research Article January-1970
Author Name:

About Raja Rajeswari College of Engineering (RRCE)

We are convinced that “Character is the crown and glory of life”. We believe in quality education, progress through discipline, knowledge through devotion and satisfaction through service to the student community. We dedicated to meet the challe

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