The University was granted an annual grant of Rs.2.5 lacs by the participating States of Rajputana. What is remarkable is that the States made it clear that the "acceptance of the grant will in no way detract from the autonomy of the University and i
detract from the autonomy of the University and its freedom to organise its teaching and administration as to embody in them the highest conception of University life." The University has made a significant contribution in the field of higher education. A peep into the past has many interesting features to reveal its progressive and dynamic outlook since its very beginning. The foundations laid for this University are deep and strong as is amply borne out by the following extract from the address delivered by Shri J. C. Rollo, on the 28- July 1947 at the meeting of the Academic Council. "This is the first meeting of academic council of the University. It is of happy significance that the first body to meet should be the Academic Council. It helps to emphasize the fact that this University is to be one in which academic considerations, academic responsibility, shall always come first. This Council is the academic conscience of the University; and, as the first person honoured with its Chairmanship, I venture to suggest that today and always the members may firmly maintain, at whatever cost, the highest standards and the soundest policy from an academic point of view. Finally, might I respectfully ask that from the beginning every member may exercise a free and independent personal judgment and may never accept the dictation of any group of persons; a habit that has proved ruinous to some Universities. In the University of Raj putana independence will not be dangerous."
The University Motto, "Dharmo Vishwasya Jagatah Pratishtha" suggested by the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. G. S. Mahajani was accepted by the Executive Council at its meeting held on 28- January, 1948. "This enshrines the greatest contribution India has made to world thought: and it is our earnest hope that Universities in India will assist in the rediscovery of spiritual values which the world needs at the present time." In February, 1949, Shri V. T. Krishnamachari, the Diwan of the Jaipur State and Pro Vice Chancellor of the University said in his welcome speech, "The University has now been in existence for over 1-1/2 years and its progress during this period has been gratifying. For this the credit goes to Dr. Mahajani and those who work with him. The University bodies have settled down to their work and the University has begun to conduct all its examinations and has also obtained recognition for its degrees." We are trying for the establishment of an Engineering College in Jodhpur and Agricultural College in Bikaner.
Shri C. Rajagopalachari, the first Governor General of free India, had a very clear idea of the importance of the universities and their dignity. Speaking to the students of Loyala College, Madras in August 1948, he had observed "we have to maintain the highest standards for our universities. The pressure of democracy may be allowed to bear on anything else, but not on the standard of education. Do not compel the universities to come down to you. You must go up the steps to reach the universities."
The foundation stone of the University Campus was laid by Shri C. Rajagopalachari on Sunday, the February 20, 1949. He concluded his address on the occasion with these words, "Nothing can be achieved unless we learn to be good and correct and self-disciplined and cultivate self-restraint and that, which is called dharma in our beautiful language." The motto of the University calls upon the faculty and the students to spread this Dharma throughout the world, to make the planet earth a better place to live. Dharma is the stabilising factor for the whole world and if this new university which will, in the history that will be written, be associated with free India, truly a Rajputana University, is built on that foundation according to its motto, nothing will prevent India from becoming great. I invoke blessings of God on this new foundation." The jurisdiction of this University at that time extended over the entire Rajputana State with the exception of Ajmer-Merwara. In the beginning, it was only an affiliating University with twenty-two colleges in different parts of the state and it also controlled High School and Intermediate Education. After the merger of Ajmer-Merwara with the State of Rajasthan in 1956 this region also came under the jurisdiction of the University of Rajputana, which was named as University of Rajasthan in 1957. With the establishment of a Board of Secondary Education in the State in 1957 the schools were transferred to this board and the University could then concentrate on development of higher education and research. The University of Rajasthan subsequently became a teaching-cum-affiliating University.
The University owes much to the foresight, ability and sincerity of the first three Vice-Chancellors of the University viz. Dr. G.S. Mahajani, Dr. G.C. Chatterji and Dr. Mohan Sinha Mehta, who played a crucial role in the development of the University, its campus, recruitment of faculty and in laying down sound traditions. Each of the three distinguished and highly dignified Vice-Chancellors served the University for two successive terms, thus, guiding the destiny of the University for the first eighteen years, which was the formative period of the University. To them the University owes the image it came to acquire in the minds of the intellectual community of India. They brought in different faculties, some of the finest scholars who after having served in the University for many years, took up high positions at the national level. The names of Prof. M. V. Mathur, Prof. G. C. Pandey, Prof. Raj Krishna, Prof. Daya Krishna, Miss A. G. Stock, Prof. P. N. Srivastava, Prof. R. C. Mehrotra, Dr. S. Bashiruddin, Prof. Satish Chandra, Prof. S. P. Verma, Prof. Iqbal Narain, Prof. R. K. Kaul, Prof. Raja Chelliah, Prof. T.K.N. Unnithan are just a few names who brought glory and renown to the University.
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